Thursday, April 11, 2013

Front page news story

Emperor Qin standardizes weights, money, measures, language and law

        Emperor Qin decided that standardizing weights, money, measures, language and law would be a wise decision. The standardizing was carried out by statesman Li Si. It was done in a somewhat formalized style referred to as seals; the standardizing done has generally survived with only minor changes. The Qin Dynasty was the first dynasty to standardize Chinese characters by announcing a dictionary. Weights and measures such as the pound were standardized. Also laws were made more clear for the dynasty.

         The standardizing of weights, measurements and money led to more efficient commerce and allowed the dynasty to develop a tax system. The standardizing of language is what helped reading and writing be developed. With everyone using the same Chinese characters people can communicate easier and more efficiently. The standardizations overall advanced the Qin Dynasty and were very useful.

                                                                                                                     Staff Writer

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