Thursday, April 25, 2013

Picture Collage

This is Emperor Qin, he was the first ruler of the Qin dynasty.
He made many changes to the life ofr people living there.
He standardized weights, measurements, law and a fewother things.
He also burnt books that he thought would encourage creativity.
 Text Box: These are a couple of the coins that were used when Emperor Qin standardized measurements and made life easier.
 Text Box: This is a famous picture of the book burnings and pitting of the scholars. This was arranged by Emperor Qin. He did this because the scholars did not like him and he thought the book were provoking creativity.
This is a picture of the army made for Emperor Qin's tomb. This army
was made to protect the emperor in the after life.

Text Box: The Great Wall of China was started during the Qin dynasty. It was not completed during this dynasty though. It was being built to protect china from predators such as the Koreans. 

The images without links are from google images.

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